External influences, whether it contains features

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External influences, whether it contains features

Post by rakibhasan24222 »

Let's return to statistics again. Work teams that focus on the strengths of their employees complete their tasks . ​​more efficiently. Don't forget to thank the staff according to a survey. People express their gratitude least often in a work environment. As many as of the total number of respondents thank their colleagues no more than once a year or do not thank them at all. In fact.

People appreciate appropriate praise addresse to them. For example. For of respondents. Gratitude from their superiors would increase their work tone. And of respondents are incline to show greater diligence in their work. Portuguese Timor Email List It is an undeniable fact that expressing gratitude can increase self esteem and trust in management. You nee to thank your team for any achievements every day. This produces a truly magical effect. But here it is important not to overdo it with quantity.


Gratitude should be sincere and in moderation. Accept other opinions many managers have encountere rejection of a subordinate's opinion. Sometimes. As a result. The attitude towards the employee himself worsene. Therefore. When at a meeting a person expresses an idea with which you cannot agree. Strive for a compromise. Differences of opinion will always appear. This is a natural workflow. But in some cases this leads to conflicts.
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