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Southern California and Education Leadership

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 9:31 am
by Jarif
Dara’s key reason for joining Peloton is that it is committed to being an antiracist organization pledging $100 million to fight racial injustice and inequality. A self-made success story, Dara wants to inspire other women and so deserves spot #2 on our list. “While other people are going to be given opportunities, I have to create them for myself. I'm not doing it just because of myself; I'm doing it because it's important that young Black women see me and think, I can be this too.” 3. Sabba Quidwai 5 Warrior Women Leading Digital Disruption With a passion for education, Sabba Quidwai has a mission to create a culture of innovation for young people.

In 2019 she founded Designing Schools, with a simple mission: “To design schools that give young people the mindset and skills they need to thrive in workplaces and as global citizens.” She started her career as a science teacher and moved into the role of Director of Innovative Learning at the University of Executive at Apple have given her experience in the higher education and technology sector. But it was her nephew that inspired her to design schools that “spark wonder, curiosity and creativity”. In Bitcoin Email Leads cooperation with Design39 in San Diego Sabba will release a documentary to reveal Sabba’s approach to designing and defining a new grammar school. With Sabba at the helm, the education sector is set for a shake-up! She asks: “How do we move away from these traditional structures that are keeping people and learning in isolation?” 4. Kimberly Bryant 5 Warrior Women Leading Digital Disruption When you think of the stereotypical computer programmer, you probably don’t imagine somebody like Kimberly Bryant. As the CEO and founder of Black Girls Code, she’s all about changing perceptions.


Her company is a non-profit organization that is “changing the face of technology”, making it a personal mission to introduce young girls of color to the tech and computer science fields. Specifically, it aims to train young black women in these in-demand skills such as web design, virtual reality, blockchain and artificial intelligence and then facilitate their transition into entrepreneurial ventures. And why is this needed? The tech industry has been leaving women of color behind for a while now, with few signs of improving, despite the illustrious history of black women in computing as highlighted in the movie Hidden Figures.