Even if you are talking about an offer or changes in the organization

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Even if you are talking about an offer or changes in the organization

Post by PhoneNumber234 »

HRejterzy animated hero (as in the case of a raccoon that appears periodically on the profile of our client, CQURE Academy): source: CQURE Academy an animated product from your offer (just like talking Berlinki sausages): source: Berlinki Another idea is to use thematic series. In this case, variety and regularity are important.

If, for example, you decide to publish a post with employee Belgium Email List photos every Friday, make sure to prepare the content in advance so that you don't run out of content at the last minute, e.g. due to the absence of a team member. You can divide thematic series according to the type of content - e.g. presenting a product from your offer on Mondays, market trends or reports on Wednesdays, and photos from the company's life on Fridays. Each series should be distinguished by its name and graphics, color coding or a characteristic layout.


To make your company profiles interesting, you can talk about everyday things in an unusual way. What does it mean? Use a word game or storytelling from your brand to make the message memorable., try to "wink" at the recipient and incorporate metaphors, a sense of humor or refer to current events (real-time marketing) into your message. Here are examples from our own backyard: Most of our posts refer to culinary art because it is the basis of our storytelling.
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