How to make money on NFT all ways to earn money

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How to make money on NFT all ways to earn money

Post by nahar543 »

We talked about what non-fungible tokens are and why they are popular. In this we will talk about how to make money on NFT. What will be in the article: an analysis of ways to make money on NFTs and nuances that beginners usually don’t know about. Advertisement: 2VtzquY3wEz Also Read: 10 Web Design Courses for Beginners 6 ways to make money on NFTs Let's start with the hardest one: . Create your NFT The essence of earning is that you post your work on the marketplace, NFT is assigned to it. If it is bought for cryptocurrency, withdraw the crypt into regular money. What you need to make money: a digital file that can be put up for sale. It can be a picture, photo, video, animation, text, e-book, music, any digital file. NFTs The work must be created by you and be unique.

Just taking a picture from the Internet and putting it up as your creation will not work. Even if it is a graphic processing of someone else's image, it should be your processing. You can sell NFTs in one instance or in several. In the second case, the cost of one NFT will be lower. Nuances: you need skills to create digital art, and in some Brazil WhatsApp Number List ways talent; there is already high competition in NFT - hundreds of thousands of works hang without sales, you need to be able to hook potential buyers; sometimes costs are required - some sites charge a registration fee a fee for each NFT creation even before sales. Fees can be around NFT. That is, it will take about to upload 10 works, and there is no guarantee that they will pay off.


But there are marketplaces where the commission is already removed upon the fact of the transaction; marketplaces have different entry thresholds, for example, NiftyGateway selects well-known authors or those whose work the site will be interested in. Beginners can start with more democratic platforms like Rarible and OpenSea. What increases the chances of success: - The fame of the author. For example, Pokras Lampas was known as an artist even before the NFT boom, and now tokens with his work are sold for several thousand dollars. Nyan-cat first became a viral meme on the network and only then the gif was sold as .
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