Characteristics found in each of the F1 layer, F2 layer, and F3 layer

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Characteristics found in each of the F1 layer, F2 layer, and F3 layer

Post by tashaclaytonj »

Even the same woman has different tastes depending on her age, so it is important to use the age classification as a reference. Here, we will introduce the characteristics that are easily seen in each of the F1 layer, F2 layer, and F3 layer.Features of F1 layerThe F1 group consists of women between the ages of 20 and 34.The F1 group is said to be a group that is sensitive to trends, has a strong desire to move up, and has a strong desire to purchase and is willing to spend money to improve themselves.

Therefore, when advertising, appealing to the F1 demographic Turkey WhatsApp Number Data is considered the most important factor in increasing product sales.Features of F2 layerThe F2 group consists of women between the ages of 35 and 49.The F2 group is the age when the number of people who get married and have children and families increases, and compared to the F1 group, their consumption behavior is somewhat calmer and they are more concerned about health. Another characteristic of this generation is that they begin to think about later life, such as savings and investments.Features of F3 layerThe F3 group consists of women over 50 years old.The F3 group has more financial and psychological leeway as their children have grown up and they have reached a certain level of status at their workplace. As a result, they prefer quality goods over large quantities, and they tend to make expensive purchases. Another characteristic of this generation is that they invest more in their health.\Check it out before starting a TV commercial! Click here for free PDF materials/Is age-based marketing outdated?


Target marketing based on age and gender is an outdated concept in today's diversified world, and it is now said that it no longer works in the market.For example, even among the younger generation, concerns about the future such as ``Will I receive a pension?'' and ``Will social security be sufficient?'' are becoming widespread, and there is a growing tendency to save rather than spend money from an early age. . As a result, we are starting to see a situation where the F3 (elderly) group, who can enjoy the rest of their lives without worry, tend to spend more than the younger generation.However, it can be used as a guideline to some extent, so you should be aware of marketing by age group. What is important is to constantly update the characteristics of each layer with the latest information as they change with the times.
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